This snippet shows how to display a list of system colors in XAML only. First we create ab object data source containing the list of…
This post shows how to overcome an annoying bug in the Microsoft RibbonControlsLibrary. When you define the ribbon and change the label of the „File“…
The following describes how to used a converter to directly bind your ViewModel properties to the Visibility of controls in your view. First we define…
In WPF IValidatableObject, IDataErrorInfo interface implementations can be used to validate user input against validation rules. This blow shows a different approach that defines a…
Das WPF FlowDocument ist eine einfache Möglichkeit, um Fließtext in WPF darzustellen. Hier zeige ich Methoden, um Textdateien in ein FlowDocument einzulesen. XAML: <FlowDocumentScrollViewer x:Name=“documentViewer“…
The .NET Framework uses many different approaches for validation. The ASP.NET MVC for example uses Data Annotations to annotate the model classes with the definition…
In Android adapters are used sometimes to provide objects for a spinner. The following example shows how to extend that mechanism to add a null…
The error happens when the REST methods (POST, PUT, DELETE, etc). are already registered by another application. The following entries in the web.config helped me…
This post explains in detail the steps necessary to use the jQuery DatePicker with the ASP.NET MVC Framework to enter dates, instead of the standard…
The Unix calendar starts at 01/01/1970. This post will show you how to convert any DateTime value into a Unix time stamp. private const string…